• Fraternity
  • Obedience
  • Commitment
  • Unity
  • Service

Focus International Qatar Region, popularly known as focusQATAR, is a non-profit organization of young, active residents between the age of 20-45 with shared socio-cultural interests.

Operating within the community of Indian residents in Qatar. focusQATAR strives to bong together the efforts of many like-minded individuals into a single platform that can make positive changes in the society. While social service being the prime aim, focusQATAR has always been a platform for our members for performing their social responsibility, improving leadership, & above all cooperating with each other which is in fact the most worthwhile prospect of today's world.

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The 'focus' Way

focusQATAR creates a pool of dedicated volunteers in accordance with their interest and aptitude and distributes them to its various departments. The major departments that plans and implements different social service activities are:

Human Recourses Department: Targeting the youth for their profes-sional and personal development and motivate them to be part of the social ser-vice scenario. Conducts EDUfocus program among students for the educational and career development.

Social Welfare Department: Helps the poor and needy. Conducts charity works for education and medical treatment areas. Involves in labour issues of expatriate Indians.

Administration, Finance, IT, Public Relations and Events Departments provide supports to other departmental activities.

Our Campaign

focusQATAR has been conducting various campaigns on different socially relevant themes that are;in many ways beneficial la the commbnity. Laa Thudmin. - Leave Addiction Live Life, Heal the Heart Heal the Worlds Health in 4 Dimensions (H4D), Laa Thusnfoo - Don't be excessive, etc. are some of the campaigns we have eXecuted So'far. Apart from that, focusDAY, ECOfocus, SPORTfocus, EDUfodus, etc. are some of our branded programs conducted annually. Some other campaigns conducted by focusOATAR excluswely for the advocacy of our members and xmllwishers include Youth Sign, focus on LEAD, Youth-Voyage, Ramadan Musabaga, Art of Loving, focus-- MAJLIS, Community Leaders Meet, Blood Donation Camps, etc. -Occupational health and safety annual medical camp which we conduct with the support of the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) every year, Inspiring Heroes and Doha Youth Conference are the signature eventsof focusIDATAIR, acclaimed for its unlqueness and professional execution.

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